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drastic reduction中文是什么意思

用"drastic reduction"造句"drastic reduction"怎么读"drastic reduction" in a sentence


  • 大幅度削减


  • The drastic reduction in the geometric dimension leads to great simplification in mathematical analysis .
  • They say previous fee hikes have not resulted in drastic reductions in applications for residency or citizenship
  • They say previous fee hikes have not resulted in drastic reductions in applications for residency or citizenship
  • However , in situations of drastic reduction , there may be no alternative but to re - order priorities and to reallocate resources accordingly
  • Nevertheless , the association of an animal disease with livestock led to a drastic reduction in the consumption of chicken even in unaffected countries like singapore and malaysia
  • A drastic reduction in the number , or even elimination , of appointed seats will have an impact on the quality of government services delivered at the district level . moreover , this will not be acceptable to all sectors of the community
  • Un - led climate change report released friday says keeping greenhouse gas emissions near current levels would cost only a tiny fraction of world economic output , but that more drastic reductions are needed by 2050 in order to keep global warming in check
  • A un - led climate change report released friday says keeping greenhouse gas emissions near current levels would cost only a tiny fraction of world economic output , but that more drastic reductions are needed by 2050 in order to keep global warming in check
  • This reflects the fact that at a time of economic recession , the immediate demand for social services may increase rather than decrease . but instead , it will add pressure to a more drastic reduction in expenditures during the next two years in order to broadly balance the budget
    5 %增长,除了反映经济衰退时,社会服务需求可能不减反增的现象外,亦在未来两年的中期内,有更大延迟压力,去调低开支,求取预算的大致平衡。
  • Twenty - one persons were charged for allegedly conspiring to defraud two electricity companies by tampering with electricity meters of a number of residential and commercial account holders , resulting in a drastic reduction in electricity consumption of the accounts involved
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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